Experts & Staff
WRI Africa brings together more than 160 staff and experts who are leaders in their fields. Their work spans topics such as forests and landscape restoration, food and land use, energy, cities, economics, finance, governance and more. Our staff and researchers work to meet people’s essential needs, to protect and restore nature, to stabilize the climate, and build resilient communities.

Aklilu Fikresilassie
Director, Thriving Resilient Cities, WRI Africa; Representative of WRI in Ethiopia

Rebekah Shirley
Deputy Director, WRI Africa

Program Experts & Staff
Iman Abdulwassi Abubaker
Urban Mobility Project Manager, WRI Africa

Zablon Adane
Water Program Associate, WRI Africa

Alvin Adu-Asare
GIS Research Associate, WRI Africa

Alemayehu Agizew
GIS Analyst, Energy Access Explorer

Sofia Ahmed
Research Associate, WRI Africa
Beryl Ajwang
Food Loss and Waste Associate, WRI Africa

Agraw Ali
GIS Research Analyst, WRI Africa

Ivan Amanigaruhanga
Engagement Manager, Clean Energy Transition, Africa
Bemnet Amanuale
Finance and Administration Specialist, WRI Africa

William Apondo
Data Analyst, Air Quality, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, WRI Africa

Bernadette Arakwiye
Senior Manager, Africa Land Restoration Programs

Igerha Bampa
Technical Assistant for Open Timber Portal, WRI Africa

Abiyot Dagne Belay
Lead, Climate Policy and Research, WRI Africa

Elizabeth Carabine
Regional Senior Expert, Climate Change, WRI Africa
Anderson Ngowa
Finance Associate, Energy Access

Brian Chitala
Investment Specialist

Nii Darko Darko
Senior Urban Mobility Manager, Cities Program, WRI Africa

Yared Deme
Research Analyst, International Climate Action, WRI Africa

Phanuella Djanteng
Congo Basin Engagement Associate, Global Forest Watch, WRI Africa

Achille Djeagou Tchoffo
Congo Bassin Coordinator, Open Timber Portal, Congo Basin

Assefa Edessa
Grants and Finance Specialist

Ifrah Farah
Grants & Finance Coordinator, New Climate Economy, WRI Africa

Beakal Fasil
Communications and Engagement Specialist, The New Climate Economy, WRI Africa

Samuel Gaturu
Project Specialist and Coordinator, Vital Landscapes Program, WRI Africa

Amanda Gcanga
Country Lead for Urban Water Resilience & Senior Urban Policy Analyst

Elie Hakizumwami
DRC Country Manager

Jiregna Hirpa
Transport Planner, WRI Africa

Benson Ireri
Africa Lead, Energy Access

Tsion Issayas
Senior Communications Manager, WRI Africa

John Jaoko
Senior Crop Data Analyst, WRI Africa

Samuel Kabiru
Manager, The Land Accelerator, WRI Africa