The WRI Ethiopia office in Addis Ababa has two roles. It serves as the regional hub for WRI Africa and it actively engages with the government and other stakeholders to advance sustainable development within Ethiopia itself.

With more than 112 million people, Ethiopia is the second most populous nation in Africa one of the fastest-growing economies. Yet this growth has come at a cost. Rapid urbanization is placing a burden on infrastructure, energy consumption and public services. Ineffective water management threatens to reverse the social and economic development gains and stifle future growth.
Agriculture remains the most important sector, accounting for almost half of GDP, more than 80% of exports, and eight out of ten jobs. Despite some notable successes with landscape restoration, high rates of deforestation and land degradation threaten the natural resources on which many Ethiopians depend.
The WRI Ethiopia team works with the national and local governments, businesses, and civil society to address these challenges. We identify solutions that are economically and environmentally sound.
We integrate water and climate data into decision-making tools and water risk maps, help improve urban transport and water supplies, and provide research and policy recommendations to safeguard Ethiopia’s food system. Our solutions support Ethiopia’s commitment to follow a low-carbon development path while adapting to increasing impacts from climate change.
- WRI Addis Ababa
Meskel Flower, Gabon Street
Fiesta Building 5th Floor
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia