Energy Access Explorer
An open-source data platform that provides mapping and tools to support inclusive, locally led approaches to achieving energy access for all people.
Reliable, affordable, modern energy powers sustainable development, helping countries reduce poverty, catalyze economic growth and improve human well-being. Yet progress in universalizing access to energy remains uneven, and many developing countries lack transparent data and tools which can support energy planning and help them effectively expand access.
To help address this challenge, WRI and partners developed the Energy Access Explorer (EAE) — the first open-source, online and interactive platform designed to visualize energy access in unserved and underserved areas and support locally led, data-driven solutions to achieving universal energy access.

Through mapping and custom data analyses, EAE enables energy planners, clean energy entrepreneurs, donors and development institutions to identify high-priority areas for energy access interventions. The platform also functions as a dynamic information system, reducing software engineering and data transaction costs for both data providers and users and facilitating data management and governance.
EAE offers a data-driven, integrated and inclusive approach to expanding energy access for equitable socio-economic development. It provides valuable information to a multitude of stakeholders, for example:
- Electrification planning agencies can use the platform to explore the potential for grid extension, off-grid systems, clean cooking technologies and renewables for energy access in their countries.
- Clean energy enterprises can use the platform to access demographic and socio-economic data, which indicate consumer ability to pay for energy services. This information can help identify gaps in market opportunities.
- Donors and development finance institutions can use the platform to identify areas where grants and support will have the most impact.
- Service delivery institutions in the health, education and associated with development services.
- Clean cooking sector organizations and agencies can use the platform to identify areas where the uptake of clean cooking technologies should be prioritized based on location-specific data on demand, supply and environment.
View Energy Access Explorer Partners
Image Credit: Wind Demark/Flickr