Building Sustainable Food Systems in Africa
Close to 100 million people across Africa faced food insecurity in 2020. Food shortages are driven mainly by conflicts, successive crop failures due to climate change and extreme weather events, as well as economic shocks and increasing food prices.
At the same time, significant volumes of food are lost after harvest in sub-Saharan Africa each year. Grain loss alone is estimated at $4 billion every year; this exceeds the total value of food aid received in sub-Saharan Africa over the past decade and is equal to what the continent spends annually on cereal imports.
Our goal is to shift Africa’s food systems to achieve a sustainable food future.
Our approach is to:
- Produce more food on the same or less land while minimizing environmental impacts. We work to increase agricultural yields, reduce water stress and safeguard ocean health through better farming, fishing and resource management.
- Shift consumption patterns and reduce food loss and waste. We work with companies and governments to measure and cut their waste, while employing behavioral science and partnerships to help consumers adopt lower-carbon diets.